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How to Submit Ideas for an Article

We are always eager to receive suggestions for stories from our readers. Mail or e-mail your ideas or press releases to the attention of the editor. We encourage writers to submit queries and manuscripts for consideration. Submissions should include samples of previously published work and a brief description of the idea. Please do not call the editor to discuss. To send ideas by e-mail, click here.

How to Submit for a HOMES Tour Article

We are always eager to receive suggestions for homes to feature. Send us your suggestions by completing the form and uploading the sample images here. Please do not call the editor to discuss.

Calendar Information

We publish select event information in our bimonthly issues and weekly enewsletters. Send your information to [email protected]. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number in case we have questions. Deadlines for submitting information are approximately eight weeks prior to the issue’s publication date.

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If you move or change your address, contact us at 1.800.453.1049 or [email protected].  The U. S. Postal Service does not automatically forward magazines, and you don’t want to miss a single issue.

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